Sunday 6 January 2008

Day three..... a good run, but a dissapointing attempt to eat out!

Good day all in all - had a lazy morning, then hubby dragged me out for a run just before lunchtime.

I used to run a lot during Lighter Life, but I found it did have an effect on my weight loss each week as I was having a four mile run the day before weigh in, no doubt simply a water effect but it still put me off for a while. I hadn't done a run for a couple of months, so I was a little anxious as we set off. Turns out I needn't have worried - the last few stone really seemed to have an impact, and I found the run a lot easier on the legs and joints that I had the last time we went out. Only dissapointment was that due to my renewed smoking habit I did have to stop and walk for a little bit just over halfway round.

But I kept at it, and managed to finish off the run - in fact, even with stops included, I managed it in the same time we last ran the route non-stop - so shows I am actually getting faster. Next time I won't stop, plus it has made me realise that I really need to get the smoking back under control. Towards the end of abstinence I realised that I had achieved so much, and how much I had enjoyed having a challenge to focus on. I was thinking what I could do next, really as a way of combatting the blues I often feel after achieving something. I rather crazily decided on a marathon, as I had been enjoying running so much and as I thought training would be a great way of keeping the weight in check in the future. As there was no way I could realistically put in the training required for a marathon whilst living on four packs of dust a day the London Marathon was out for this year at least, so hubby and I decided on the New York Marathon in November this year. That gives me time to finish RtM, and be eating at the levels I need to by the time I start the serious long distances. So running is now going to be a big part of my new life, and I am excited about this. But there is no way I can continue smoking and effectively train - so the next challenge is to kick the evil weed! I know I can do it, as before I started again I had kicked the habit for nearly two years. I was so disapointed in myself, but I had a particularly stressful few weeks a couple of months ago and felt I needed a release of some kind - it wasn't going to be food or drink, so it ended up being ciggies - silly silly girl! I guess it would also be good to get it out of my system before food becomes any more a part of my life - so watch this space!

Anyway, we spent the afternoon with friends, and decided to eat out. Today is the day that salad gets introduced so I felt good that I could find something appropriate on the menu. I was excited at the prospect of eating out again for the first time in over seven months, I have been out to restaurants during abstinence, and while it was always fine, it still felt odd not joining in for the social aspect of eating out. So checked the menu, all the salads were innapropriate, but I felt the kitchen would be able to do me a green side salad if I asked. There was also a grilled herby chicken breast I could add, so felt happy that there was a good choice available. Thank god I spoke to the waiter before I ordered - turned out their 'simple grilled chicken breast' was in fact doused in olive oil before it was simply grilled! When I asked if the oil could be omitted, they said that they couldn't grill without it lol! Surely the whole point of grilling is that it is a low fat option! So made the decision not to eat at all - I could have had a green salad, but realised I would much rather have that at home later with some protein - so failed eating out! Had fun though, and everyone's food looked great, so will make sure I go back once I am done with RtM!Has anyone managed to eat out anywhere on RtM successfully? Makes me wonder if that is another thing which will need to wait until completion? It would really be a shame, as I miss dining out with my hubby - it was the best way for us to spend focused time together and catch up, and it has affected our relationship not being able to do that.Suggestions of RtM friendly eating out options would be most appreciated!

Had dinner when we got home - smoked mackerel on a bed of spinach and rocket with balsamic vinegar - YUM!!! I really enjoyed it, and I made sure I went easy on the portion size so I wasn't tempted to eat more than I need like last night. Just had my last pack too - strawberry nice and thick and Angel Delight like, which is one of my favourites. Bit disappointed with the news about bar rationing - my counsellor only let us have three cranberry bars last week - and I LOVE them and would happily have one everyday. Mind you, she had said there were manufacturing problems, and had been complaints about the taste, and I must admit they didn't taste as good as they had been from my other class so I can see where the problem is. The coating seemed really artificial and much less sweet, so maybe its no bad thing I only have three.

Oh..... another highlight... milk in tea! I wouldn't normally have skimmed milk, and was worried it would be a bit too watery, but I was not disapointed and it was lovely to have a good cup of tea in bed this morning, the perfect start to what turned out to be a pretty good Sunday!


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